Belevi Mausoleum

Situated 29km far from Kusadasi, Belevi Mausoleum is reputed for its being the second largest and highest tomb house of Ancient Anatolia, thought to be belonged to Hellenistic era. The largest and the highest Hallicarnassos, one of the seven wonders of Ancient world, is located in Bodrum- on the south western corner of Turkey.
The unearthed pieces give a clear idea that the total height of Belevi Mausoleum is about 23 meters, except the roof. The marvelous construction was once consisted of a podium section in 11,37 meters high. The square planned podium was supported by the columns on four sides and was covered with the massive blocks. Three steps of crepidoma at the bottom reaches to the entrance of the podium. On the crepidoma, is the decorated podium wall. A Doric styled peristalsis decorates the podium with the eight columns on four sides.
The descriptions of funeral games and centauromachin on the relieves, ornament the 24 cassettes of the ceiling. The real sized statues of a lion and griffon on the tip of the roof are now displayed in Izmir and Ephesus museums.
On the Izmir road 13 km. from Selçuk on the eastern side of the intersection is a mausoleum at Belevi that was the second highest in Anatolia after the mausoleum at Halikarnassis, which was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Judging by the remains, the podium was 11.37m high built on bedrock and was decorated by hand-worked stone on all four sides. A grave chamber was carved into the south side of the rock. In the Ephesus Museum you can view a sarcophagus taken from the grave chamber. On the podium were eight columns on each of four sides of a Doric peristasis. Again according to remains, the cornege of the second level was 11.32m above the podium, giving a total height of 23 meters. How the top was finished is unknown.The mausoleum dates from the Hellenistic period. Moreover, it is reputed to be the grave of Seleucid king Antiochus II who died in Ephesus in 246 BC. In the northwest of the Belevi township is a castle high in the mountains that has a view to make one's hair stand on end.